

Mark Sultan, better known as BBQ of one-man band and The King Khan & BBQ Show fame, has been pounding out his own stew of RnB, Rockabilly, Garage, Doo-Wop, Psychedelia, Punk and whatnot since he was a mere child fronting Montreals Spaceshits.
Releasing a slew of albums and touring relentlessly, Sultan has established quite a reputation as a songsmith and vocalist of the highest caliber. Recently he went into the studio and ended up more than two albums worth of material. After trying to whittle it down to one LP, In The Red decided to simply release it all (well, most of it, anyway). Whatever I Want, Whenever I Want is two separate vinyl LPs and one abridged CD. This material represents Sultans most adventurous and varied songwriting to date. He ditched his normal stripped-down / lo-fi approach in favor of a more full-bodied sound and replaced his one-man recording technique with a complete band, all to stunning results.
Whatever I Want, Whenever I Want features a number of his musician friends; Dan Kroha of The Gories, Erin Wood of The Spits, Cole Alexander and Jared Swilley of the Black Lips and Bradford Cox, to name a few, all contributed. It has something for everybody: Soul Stompers, Doo-Wop weepers, a dash of hardcore and even an Ultravox cover.

Titel: Whatever I Want
Label: In The Red
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Best-Nr.: ITR218
Typ: LP
Preis: 28.- CHF

MARK SULTAN - Whatever I Want

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Axis Abraxas
Livin' My Life
Calloused Hands
Graveyard Eyes
Quit The Human Race
Just For A Moment
No Worries

Song In Grey
If I Had A Polaroid
Blood On Your Hands
Just Like Before
Repulse Me, Baby
I Turned Them All Down
Never Coming Home

In The Red
Weitere Platten vom Label In The Red
Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Bestsellers des Musikstils Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
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oder meinen Lieben gleich jetzt schon zeigen... +++

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MARK SULTAN gekauft haben :)

Records - LP - Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Preis: 28 CHF

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