

The Fruits de Mer Annuals are an escape valve for tracks that they really wanted to release during the year but didn't get their act together until it was almost too late. The tracks also tend to range far and wide as they find an excuse to commit to vinyl recordings that really didn't fit with anything else on the Fruits de Mer schedule over the preceding 12 months.
The 2014 Annual is no exception - in fact, it's probably the oddest single yet on the label, a bit of a Marmite selection in fact - you'll either love them or turn your nose up at them, but it IS Christmas and you wouldn't want Fruits de Mer to get too predictable, would you? It began with an original, unreleased and weirdly eerie instrumental from 1964 - yes, 1964 - by a band called The Raiders, who included within their ranks a guitarist called Trevor Midgley, who went onto record as 'Beau' for the late, great John Peel's Dandelion label (FdM'ers will know that Beau pops up in the most unexpected places on the label, but none more unexpected than this, shades of a Joe Meek b-side here, surely?) then a group called the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies got in touch, hooked them on their surf-with-attitude/60s guitar instrumentals sound and sold them on the idea of a new version of the 'Joe 90' theme (a great track by Barry Gray, although not one of Gerry Anderson's best series, in my humble). Joes specs would have steamed up if he'd heard this but there's always room for at least one more track on an FdM single, so they asked Rob from Cranium Pie whether he fancied doing a "Johnny Remember Me meets The Orb" track; so, a mad version of 'Johnny Remember Me' arrives on a CD-r, courtesy of Marc Swordfish, from Astralasia! Sometimes these things are meant to be - but if this was some sort of divine intervention, then he or she must be having a bloody laugh, as were Astralasia when they recorded this.
Fruits de Mer's favourite designer, Frank Suchomel, came up with a cover design that's worth the price of admission alone and then, just to put the fish paste on the cake, those big blue puppies whacked out a last-minute, spur-of-the-moment, two minute version of the 'Lost In Space' theme. Job done.

Titel: Fruits De Mer Annual 2014
Label: Fruits de Mer
Stil: Psychedelic
Typ: 7 inch (Single)
Preis: 14.- CHF

VARIOUS ARTISTS - Fruits De Mer Annual 2014

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Side One:
The Joe 90 Theme
(Barry Gray 3:06 (he should have gone to Specsavers)

ASTRALASIA: Johnny Remember Me
(Geoff Goddard) 3:14 (blimey - Astralasia on Fruits de Mer)

Side Two:
Lost In Space
(John Williams) 1:52 ("danger, danger, Will Robinson")

(CJT Beau Midgley and Robin White) 2:48
(this has to be the oddest track ever released on Fruits de Mer - so far)

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