

It defied reason. Forming a band in order to raise from the dead a short, obscure musical period of lawlessness between 1965-67, in a day and age of predictable, artificial and uninspired "music".

Coming from the four corners of LA County, The Sound Reasons got it together. Locals began seeing where it was at, because, every performance they saw, the boys brought the thunder and lightning down in the form of a hip shaking, pounding, jangly, fuzz drenched soundscape. To the Sound Reasons, music is THE THING with no artificial ingredients, and real SOUL. With the Sound Reasons, Rock'n'Roll, really, is alive and well. For this band, the only thing that counts is getting it tight, out of sight and nailing the elusive SOUND.

This debut release is sure to turn your party, cookout, or freakout ON because these guys have the stuff. The stuff that defies Reason!
Comes with a small hole, plays on 45 rpm with a heavy cardboard sleeve.

Titel: Till The End Of Time
Label: Groovie
Stil: Knights of Fuzz
Best-Nr.: GROO110EP
Typ: 7 inch (Single)
Preis: 14.- CHF

SOUND REASONS - Till The End Of Time

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Till The End Of Time
If I Cared
I Walk With My Shadow

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