

DM Bob is a Southerner from Louisiana who lives in Hamburg and who founded the garage band trio 'DM Bob And The Deficits' with Susie Reinhardt (grandniece of Django) and Tank - Top in the year 1995. The band was active for more than seven years and released numerous records on labels like Crypt, Fanboy and Voodoo Rhythm Records in its unique mixture of Blues, Bluegrass, Hillbilly, Country, Cajun and Garage. The BBC legend John Peel even dedicated two Peel Sessions to the band, and Deutschmark played one Andy Kershaw show in Amsterdam with a 'Post Deficits' band. Since the preliminary end of the 'Deficits' Bob has busied himself as painter, producer and has been involved in various music projects: 'Silky', 'The Watzloves', 'DM Bob' as one-man-band, 'DM Bob And Jem Finer' (banjo player of the legendary 'The Pogues'), Susie Reinhardt is a freelance journalist, author and musician ('Hoo Doo Girl'); Tank-Top plays with 'Rock'n'Roll Hotel'.
Off label records now is honored to release the band's long believed missing country material.
Recordings from 1999 - 2002, mostly with the original Deficits (Suzie and Tank-Top) plus some by Bob alone.

Titel: They Called Us Country
Label: Off Label
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Best-Nr.: OFF-LABEL-2011
Typ: CD
Preis: 14.- CHF

DM BOB AND THE DEFICITS - They Called Us Country

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They Call Me Country
FBI Top 10
We're Coming Arkansas
The Horse
I'd Rather Be In Texas
Satellite Of Love
Dark In My Heart
Hooker Bones 2
Step Right This Way (Baby I'm Your Man)
Yearn'n Burn'n Heart
Big Corral
Don't Give Me Nothing
I'm Not Drinking More

Weitere Platten vom Label Off Label
Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Bestsellers des Musikstils Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
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