

Join Mattias Uneback (known from Ixtahuele and The Test Pilots) on a fantastic underwater exotica adventure in sound!
Sail the high seas, explore their depths, marvel at their strange and colorful inhabitants!
Beneath the waves and through the depths, forgotten worlds lie waiting!
Bioluminescent creatures that have never seen the light of day, ancient beasts of gigantic proportions, sunken continents and underwater caves all await you. The 'Voyage Beneath The Sea' album project is about composing music based on underwater fantasy worlds, as well as actual places. A musical discovery below the surface of the ocean; the mysterious unknown and one of the last outposts still uninhabited by man, but also the cradle of all life on our planet. We travel in to the deep sea, as a parallel to, and parable with, the exploration of outer space, as well as the inner worlds of the mind and the subconscious. This is visionary music inspired by the space-age underwater themed exotica recordings of the early 1960s, as well as the peculiar aquatic library type albums of 1970s. The songs are amusing and entertaining one moment, dramatic and fierce the next - but most of all, serenely beautiful.
The production of the album has been an important process for Mattias and he feels it has seriously widen his views as a musical and composer. Using a variety of both classical and novel instrument; from exotic percussion and full-scale orchestra and choir to vintage electronics, Mr Uneback paints a vivid and living tableau for the receptive listener. This is exotic orchestral seduction for those willing to embark on a journey of imagination. Submerge yourself in the sounds!
Limited to 500 copies on clear blue vinyl.

Titel: Voyage Beneath The Sea
Label: Subliminal
Stil: Easy Listening
Best-Nr.: SUB-131-LP
Typ: LP
Preis: 34.- CHF

MATTIAS UNEBACK - Voyage Beneath The Sea

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